
Aleksandra Radonich was born on May 22, 1984 in Serbia. After graduation at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Filology (2009) she attends the workshop of Italian Maestro Valerio Ferron in Cremona, Italy, where she obtains the knowledge of traditional cremonese violin making. At 7th National Violin Making competition in Italy, she was awarded by A.N.L.A.I. (National Violin Making Association of Italy).

Besides violin making, her passion is photography which allowed her to create some artworks which were exhibited at the most influential locations worldwide (Saatchi Gallery, Art Basel…) and found home among numerous collectors. She collaborated with different artists, such as Vivienne Westwood (100 days of Resistance conception of “Active Resistance to Propaganda” in which she argues for culture’s capacity to elevate humanity above self-destruction).

She also paints and writes poetry.

What People Say

When one descends into their soul without fear or judgment, and gazes upon the world through their heart, life’s sweetest secrets unfold in a place where once was dirt, rust, ruin, pain, and desolation. May you see with Aleksandra’s eyes.

Daniel Volkovich

Il viaggio è per lei una ricerca di ciò che palpita sotto la superficie. Aleksandra racconta di forza di ogni forma di vita naturale, di rinascere, di gioire, di gustare la bellezza e la pace.

Natalia Vecchia

То су очи које пију лепоту, хране се традицијом, удишу прошла времена. То је архетипско у њеним фотографијама, њена страст за очувањем корена који јој дозвољавају да ,,хода са главом у облацима” а да не губи везу са стварношћу.

Жарко Дринчић